When your vehicle has been damaged (collision, dings, dents, scratches, broken glass, stolen recovery, pot hole, etc.) there are many questions. How will I get my kids to school or myself to work? How quickly can I get my vehicle repaired properly and get it back in service for myself, my family, or my company? Do I have rental on my policy? What collision repairer in the Macomb County area can help facilitate the rental so that I can get back to my normal schedule with least amount of time wasted?
Do you cringe at the thought of going through the process because of past repair experiences? Pole Position Auto Body is here to help alleviate your concerns. Our staff will work with your insurance provider to expedite the repairs, provide a free rental, repair the vehicle properly, provide documentation (proof for all diagnostic, mechanical, and frame repairs), and detail every vehicle complete (inside and out).
Damage to your vehicle can weigh on your mind or hinder your ability to keep your regularly scheduled activities on track. We understand. Pole Position Auto Body can help you get back to life as you choose it, quickly, with the least amount of stress or drama.